The Ingredients of the components of pyrosol


  Main component: Propolis. The clear propolis is built up of prominently efficient com-pounds. The components, which are the most important and can be found in the largest mass, are the flavonoids. Further important active ingredients: calcones, terpenes, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C and E), amino acids, enzymes, mineral substances (Na, Mg, Al, P, Si, Va, Co, S, N, Zn). It is proven that propolis contains ferulic acid, which is antibacterial and bac-teriostatic. Forms a protective wax coating on the injured surface and prevents potential superinfection.

  Grape-seed oil

  Contains vitamin E and C, beta-carotene, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and procyanids. Pro-cyanids are potential antioxidants. It easily absorbs into the skin, where it has positive heal-ing effect.

  Oil of Serpolet

  Contains thymol, carvacrol and thyme aetheroleum. The oil has antiseptic effect and soothes the pain of burning lesions.

  Wheat germ oil

  Extracted and refined from wheat (Triticum aestivum) germ, contains linoleic acid, linolenic acid and vitamin E. The oil has nice scent, protects and moisturizes the skin and promotes wound healing. With its use the risk of skin disorders (e.g. eczema, psoriasis) originating from linoleic acid shortage can be reduced, the oil also protects the skin from aging. Improves the blood and oxygen supply of the muscles and tissues, makes the skin and the connective tissues more flexible..

  Pot marigold oil

  Calendula oil contains volatile oils (menton, isomenton, carvone, terpinene), carotenoids, flavonoids, saponines, free triterpenes (faradiol, taraxasterol) and polysaccharides. Besides the epithelisation effect and the anti-inflammatory effect, the calendula oil also protects and moisturizes the skin. In homeopathic therapy calendula is used as wound healing, antiseptic and bruise treating remedy. It assists the regeneration of cells.

  Sea-buckthorn oil

  Rich in vitamin C and contains vitamin A as well, also contains malic acid, mannit, fatty oils, flavonoids, wound healing and anti-inflammatory oleic acid and linoleic acid. The sea-buckthorn supports the body’s self protection efficiency; due to its epithelisation effect and anti-inflammatory effect improves wound healing and stimulates the recovery from skin disorders.

  Chlorophyll extract of algae Chlorella

  The green colouring agent of Chlorella algae. Has epithelisation effect and antiseptic effect, deodorizes and is of reductive characteristics.

  Chlorella algae are single-cell green algae, very rich in chlorophyll, which can be easily extracted. The molecular structures of chlorophyll and haemoglobin are almost the same; the only difference is that the central atom in the chlorophyll is magnesium while in the haemoglobin its iron. Our body’s extraordinary characteristic of which it can switch the central atom of the chlorophyll into iron, thus forming and building blood.

  A Chlorophyll forms alkaline environment in our body. If the cells cannot use the oxygen, due to the pH level, secondary oxygen deficiency can develop. Oxygen improves the brain function. It dilutes blood vessels directly, thus it is effective in cardiac diseases and blood pressure disorders as well, because the circulation and the perfusion of the cells improve.

  A Chlorophyll helps the oxygen binding effect of blood, promotes haemopoiesis. It is an antioxidant and also helps de demolition of calcium-stones.

  A Chlorophyll can efficiently enhance immune functions. It can help cell formation and regeneration; it is also rejuvenating.