BioNitroPhos Knowledge Base
Nitrogen is an essential element necessary for the physiological development of plants. It is brought into the soil in the form of artificial fertilizer or manure. Nitrogen included in artificial fertilizers is not utilized entirely: if there is a lot of rainfall, a part of it is washed into the soil, while in the case of deficiency in rainfall, a part of it is bound to soil, preventing the uptake of water and the airing of soil. Ammonia is a decomposition product of organic materials of animal or plant origin that have been brought into soil. Green plants are not able to take up nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Nitrifying bacteria transform it to nitrites or nitrates, the ions of which the plant can utilize directly. Air is an inexhaustible source of nitrogen, the volume percent of nitrogen being 78% in it. Plants are not able to take up and utilize the nitrogen of air directly.
The nitrogen-fixing bacteria in BioNitroPhos are able to bind the molecular nitrogen of air and to reduce it to ammonia with the help of electron-carrying molecules, i.e. nitrogenase enzymes, and the nitrifying bacteria transform the ammonia into nitrites and nitrates that the plant can take up easily. During a crop season, nitrogen-fixing bacteria are able to fix 40-60 kg nitrogen per hectare from the air. It is also essential that – in addition to providing nitrogen required for the physiological development of plants – they also produce other substances – hormones – that enhance the growth of plants.
Under natural circumstances, phosphorus can be found in fixed form in organic and inorganic compounds in the soil. By bringing the phosphorus-mobilising bacterium culture that can be found in BioNitroPhos into the soil, the complex phosphorus compounds inaccessible for the plants can be transformed into an absorbable solution.
The phosphorus-mobilising bacteria in BioNitroPhos play the role of iron-collector as well.
The presence of phosphorus-mobilising microorganisms is important in the collection of iron and the formation of so-called siderophores even when iron is available only in small quantities. As a result, the multiplication of harmful bacteria and fungi that reproduce themselves in the rhizosphere is prevented, e.g. the reproduction of the potato pathogen Erwinia carotovora due to deficiency of iron is hindered, or the growth of potato, sugar beet and radish is stimulated in iron-deficient soil by the process of transporting the collected iron directly to the cultivated plants.
It is also very important for crop farming that phosphorus-mobilising bacteria are able to synthesise hormones that stimulate the physiological development of plants (such as gibberellic acid).
These fungi promote the complex degradation of hemicelluloses considerably, ensuring an excellent source of carbon and energy for cultivated plants and for the nitrogen-fixing and phosphorus-mobilising bacteria that live in the soil.
These fungi are able to produce the enzymes (such as lignolytic enzymes, cellulase, hemicellulase, ligninase, lignin peroxidase, laccase, etc.) necessary for the degradation of plant structure (lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses etc.). One of the fungus cultures performs considerable lignin-degradation activity, while the other one decomposes lignin and cellulose as well.
The fungi in the product are non-pathogenic and do not attack living plants. BioNitroPhos as an organic product have the authorisation granted by Biokultúra Egyesület (Hungarian association for bioculture) and its production is under the control of Biokontroll Hungária.
Authorisation for marketing and use of the microbiological product BioNitroPhos:
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Certificate of the Hungarian association of bioculture (Biokultúra Szövetség):
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Information material from bioplasma and bionitrophos: