Algae belong to the first and oldest forms of life on our Earth. They came into being about three and a half billion years ago through photosynthesis, and they had a large influence on the formation of different forms of life. Photosynthesis produced different minerals and the oxygen necessary for the survival of many forms of life. Algae are responsible for 80% of the oxygen production on Earth even nowadays. Different types of algae like brown algae, blue algae, red algae, golden algae, green algae and diatoms form the basis of our food chain. There is no life without algae.
Chlorella is a genus of single-cell green algae living in fresh water. The name comes from the extremely high chlorophyll-content. The concentration of chlorophyll in Chlorella is about ten times higher than in any other plant or alga. Chlorophyll functions as an internal cleaning agent and deodorant. Chlorophyll eliminates the unpleasant smells - like that of garlic - in the mouth and throat. It is very rich in nutrients, and functions as a base-forming substance in the human body. Chlorella provides us with proteins, essential fatty acids, a wide range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, mucopolysaccharides and phytonutrients.
This is why we call Chlorella "super food", meaning that the consumption of Chlorella in itself can cover the total nutrient requirement for a meal optimally.
Chlorella belongs to green algae. It is a fresh-water plant containing a lot of chlorophyll. Chlorella contains a lot of plant protein (45 g / 100 g powder) in addition to the high chlorophyll-content. Furthermore, Chlorella contains 20 different vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Chlorella supplies beta-Carotene (precursor to vitamin A) in natural form, iron, iodine and pure lysine, a substance that is usually insufficient in our cereal-based diet. Chlorella contains 45-55% protein of high quality, including all essential amino acids and essential fatty acids. It supplies various vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other nutrients, a few of which cannot be found in our usual everyday food.
Furthermore, it also contains 19 amino acids. Finally, Chlorella is the best natural source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a strong antioxidant and can be used as a detoxicating agent as well. It heals the tissues and can be used for the destruction of harmful bacteria.
When we were composing the base concentrate, we paid much attention to the amount and ratio of the ingredients as well as to the known amount of chemical compounds in them and their positive biological effect.
It was our target that these compounds would be able to exert a successful healing effect by means of synergy, i.e. fortifying each other’s influence.
The mucopolysaccharides in the cell wall of algae have a special property: they are able to connect themselves to the heavy metals circulating in our body (e.g. mercury, lead, chromium) and remove them. This was proved by Japanese scientists who had been studying the influence of atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ichimura, a Japanese physician, was studying animals in 1973 and found that feeding 8 g Chlorella a day caused that the amount of cadmium (radioactive substance) increased to three times and seven times its original quantity in their excrement and in their urine, respectively. It was also found by Japanese researchers that Chlorella algae helped the evacuation of uranium and lead from the body. They have also achieved good results in the evacuation of dioxin and PCB (a carcinogenic material used in the manufacture of electronic devices and other products). Chlorella was found to be an excellent detoxicator.
Chlorella is rich in vitamins and minerals, and contains a lot of vitamin B, high-quality protein, chlorophyll and essential fatty acids.